Diagnosis: Burkitt's Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Joselyn is a happy energetic 7 year old. We adopted her as a 3 month old she doesn't know. She found a large lump in her groin so we took her to the hospital and they referred her to a surgeon on July 21st 2015. They tried to remove the lump, but couldn't get it out. The biopsy came back as lymphoma. She was admitted to the hospital and I went on FMLA on July 15, 2015. We closed on our new home so now we are down to a single income. Joselyn is going thru all of this and is so strong. She is getting 13 weeks of chemotherapy. We have two other kids in the home one 15 and one 5. We try very hard to make sure life is as normal as possible for all of them.
– The Ferralez Family